Sunday, August 10, 2008


I recently got in touch with a friend from high school. Actually, to be correct, we have known one another since elementary school. In school we were really just "Hi." friends-not close but we reconnected on one of those high school reunion sites. 

It was great catching up with him. He has grown out of his childhood name and I can't help but laugh to myself when I write it... it just sounds strange. Additionally he has found his center and a great direction for his life.  When I read about what he is doing and looked back on what I know about him, his choices make perfect sense. He has found his dream and is living it.

The other reason Mik (hee hee) made this post is because of what he said about me. He said that he remembered my having a good attitude and confirmed it with a check of our year book (ugh! 80's hair!). I don't remember having such a good attitude, but I know that then, as now, I loved to laugh. I seek out the humorous in everything... and I look for good in everyone. 

My family has taken to calling me Pollyanna. I have to agree. (If you don't know, look it up!) Another friend calls me a dreamer.  I like that, too. I am using my attitude to make Home Video Studio flourish!

How is your attitude helping you fulfill your dreams?