Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Off and Running... well, walking

The first week with our new tricked out video studio did not go exactly as planned. Day 1 was a total upper with the phone ringing first thing. Day 2 was filled with marketing, leads groups and getting the word out. Day 3---STOP. My mom had surgery (she's doing fabulous, thanks for asking) and that took care of day 3. The week ended trying to play catch up in all areas of life... and not running but walking.

Things have gotten on a more even keel since then. We are tapping the internet in earnest and it is beginning to pay off. Another good tip: followup. It's a keeper.

Walking is ok, but we are stretching our muscles for the marathon. What's your dream? Grab it and run with us!


Unknown said...

Love the Blog...I'll have to call on this and see if I can get one going...Hang tough and good luck in your marathon.
Terrapin Tom

Unknown said...

Thanks for letting me in the "ground floor" of your blog! Your and Pete are a good team. You will be great.
Craig Peterson