Friday, June 27, 2008


I ran into my friend, Annette, the other day at a coffee shop. She also has her own business so I was peppering her with questions about what's new, etc. After she shared with me all the great new things in her line I asked how she was getting the word out. She told me in rich, glowing detail. The next question I asked, however, did not get such a positive response. When are you going out to tell those people about your ideas? "Well, I have a lot going on..." (And she really does!) I encouraged her to go get her calendar and make a few dates with herself! 

My favorite scientific law from high school was inertia: an object at rest stays at rest (and conversely one in motion stays in motion) unless acted upon by an outside force. And what a lovely way to describe me! In this particular case I happened to be the outside force, but more often I am the object at rest. I know this about myself so I have to put "outside forces" in place to get going. This week it was a mental pep talk... "Go ahead, stop the car and get out. Don't keep driving home in your nice air conditioned car..." Other times it's a true friend that does what I did for Annette. I also have an awesome support team in our business with people who constantly challenge and ask the right questions. 

Do you need an outside force to get you going? Find one! Make one! Recruit one! (or several...)

Oh, and in case you're wondering, no, I can't stop once I get going either...

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