Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"This is so going in my blog..."

I laugh so hard whenever I hear that comment on a television show. So, I decided that from time to time I would share some stories about funny, fun and touching moments from doing business. 

Today I choose touching... 

A customer told us that she has some VHS videos that were taken by her late husband. He was not only a proud papa but the master of the video camera. When these films were taken in the early 80's home video cameras were new and as the events recorded on the video progressed so did his taping and directing skills. He added lights, close ups and other "new" techniques. On the tape were Christmases, birthdays, a christening and just family fun. While the children were still young this loving father passed away but his voice and some rare video of him playing with his beloved sons were tucked "safely" away on the VHS tape. These charming little boys are now grown and were coming to visit their mother. She wanted to relive those moments with her children but when  she put the video in her tape player the machine ate her film!  We brought the tape in and transferred it to DVD (actually 2 DVDs) and restored it to the family. 

I love the fact that we can help here in the present to save and preserve precious memories of the past. 

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