Saturday, July 5, 2008

Humble Thanks

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of our country. We had the traditional cook out with too much food and then sparklers and small fireworks after dark. We did not brave the crowds to see the official fireworks show, but there were little "shows" all around us. My youngest daughter insisted that we find a flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance... which, of course, we did. I love how little kids haven't lost sight of the real meaning of holidays. 

On the way home we drove through Fort Bragg in Fayetteville. I wished there was a way I could personally thank each and every soldier who is giving part of themselves (and in some cases all...) to secure my freedom, to keep my homeland free and to carry on the tradition set hundreds of years ago. Since there is not, please accept this entry as my way of saying, "Thanks! Thanks for keeping our country free and secure. We are in your debt."

I also send out a note of appreciation to the families of those soldiers. You are paying a great price, as well. Thank YOU for your sacrifice.

Thank you for keeping the dream of a free America alive in our hearts as well as in fact...

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