Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, she raised me, after all...

Permit me to give the floor to my precious and well-loved mother. Here is her story...

Hello Everyone,

I will tell you of my experience this passed month. I went to the hospital on the June 10th with chest pains (I had done the same three months before) and they ran all kind of test and MRIs and found nothing, the same as before. They were getting ready to send me home when I ask the doctor that since I was already there to check and see if they could find the reason for a cough that had plagued me for the last two years off and on. So the doctor ordered a CAT SCAN. When they did the CAT SCAN it showed a mass/tumor in my heart about the size of a golf ball in the left ventral of my heart and it was attached to the wall that divided the ventricles. So open heart surgery was schedule for June 18th. 

I would be amiss if I did not say that there were a lot of prayers going up for me, praise God for each one. I will say that because of all the prayers, I did not have one bit of fear or concerns when I went in for surgery. I came through with flying colors. The doctors were amazed at how I progressed through it all. I left the hospital one week after surgery and went to Rehab for two weeks and then HOME sweet HOME ON July 9th.

I have to give God all the Glory for bringing me through and keeping me through it all. It has been wonderful to see how My Father moved in our lives even when the situation could be scary, but He was there keeping me safe and calm.

Thanks be to God both now and forever.

Jackie Miller

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