Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My friend, Trish, has a problem. I'm no doctor, but it seems to me that it should be medically impossible for someone's heart to be bigger than her body. But that's Trish!

She will really hate that I'm saying this, but this woman has a true gift to put the needs of others first. For example, Trish found out that her neighbor (who was diagnosed with a gall bladder problem) actually had cancer. What did she do? Write a card? Send over a hot meal? Think, "gosh that's really just so sad?" Not Trish. She went around the neighborhood taking up a collection for the family's medical bills. 

Then she used her marketing time to tell her audience about cancer insurance. She doesn't sell cancer insurance.

She is also... surprise, surprise... the team captain for a breast cancer walk on October 4th. Trish tells me that Hakuna-matata (from The Lion King) means "no worries." So she named her team Hakuna Ma-ta-tas! (give it a second...)  To join big-hearted Trish and her friends or to make a donation please call 919-414-6666 or go to:

I'm sure that Trish has lots of dreams, but it seems clear that fighting cancer with both hands and both feet is one of the big ones!

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