Sunday, August 10, 2008


I recently got in touch with a friend from high school. Actually, to be correct, we have known one another since elementary school. In school we were really just "Hi." friends-not close but we reconnected on one of those high school reunion sites. 

It was great catching up with him. He has grown out of his childhood name and I can't help but laugh to myself when I write it... it just sounds strange. Additionally he has found his center and a great direction for his life.  When I read about what he is doing and looked back on what I know about him, his choices make perfect sense. He has found his dream and is living it.

The other reason Mik (hee hee) made this post is because of what he said about me. He said that he remembered my having a good attitude and confirmed it with a check of our year book (ugh! 80's hair!). I don't remember having such a good attitude, but I know that then, as now, I loved to laugh. I seek out the humorous in everything... and I look for good in everyone. 

My family has taken to calling me Pollyanna. I have to agree. (If you don't know, look it up!) Another friend calls me a dreamer.  I like that, too. I am using my attitude to make Home Video Studio flourish!

How is your attitude helping you fulfill your dreams? 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My friend, Trish, has a problem. I'm no doctor, but it seems to me that it should be medically impossible for someone's heart to be bigger than her body. But that's Trish!

She will really hate that I'm saying this, but this woman has a true gift to put the needs of others first. For example, Trish found out that her neighbor (who was diagnosed with a gall bladder problem) actually had cancer. What did she do? Write a card? Send over a hot meal? Think, "gosh that's really just so sad?" Not Trish. She went around the neighborhood taking up a collection for the family's medical bills. 

Then she used her marketing time to tell her audience about cancer insurance. She doesn't sell cancer insurance.

She is also... surprise, surprise... the team captain for a breast cancer walk on October 4th. Trish tells me that Hakuna-matata (from The Lion King) means "no worries." So she named her team Hakuna Ma-ta-tas! (give it a second...)  To join big-hearted Trish and her friends or to make a donation please call 919-414-6666 or go to:

I'm sure that Trish has lots of dreams, but it seems clear that fighting cancer with both hands and both feet is one of the big ones!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, she raised me, after all...

Permit me to give the floor to my precious and well-loved mother. Here is her story...

Hello Everyone,

I will tell you of my experience this passed month. I went to the hospital on the June 10th with chest pains (I had done the same three months before) and they ran all kind of test and MRIs and found nothing, the same as before. They were getting ready to send me home when I ask the doctor that since I was already there to check and see if they could find the reason for a cough that had plagued me for the last two years off and on. So the doctor ordered a CAT SCAN. When they did the CAT SCAN it showed a mass/tumor in my heart about the size of a golf ball in the left ventral of my heart and it was attached to the wall that divided the ventricles. So open heart surgery was schedule for June 18th. 

I would be amiss if I did not say that there were a lot of prayers going up for me, praise God for each one. I will say that because of all the prayers, I did not have one bit of fear or concerns when I went in for surgery. I came through with flying colors. The doctors were amazed at how I progressed through it all. I left the hospital one week after surgery and went to Rehab for two weeks and then HOME sweet HOME ON July 9th.

I have to give God all the Glory for bringing me through and keeping me through it all. It has been wonderful to see how My Father moved in our lives even when the situation could be scary, but He was there keeping me safe and calm.

Thanks be to God both now and forever.

Jackie Miller

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I know I put "up" around here somewhere...

...ever have one of those days? How about weeks? It's getting hectic here juggling all the jobs that are coming in with swim meets, back-to-school (we are in year-round) and just plain life. My mom came home from rehab today ... YEAH!!!!... and I had to get off the phone with her to talk to a customer. I know, good problem to have. Now if I can just remember to call her back...

My friend Marilynn says that I need to "find the doing that matches the dream." Does your dream need more "doing" and organization? Let me know about it! We can hitch up our saddles and ride together!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fun With Friends...

My oldest daughter acquired a stuffed Bert (from Sesame Street) doll from one of her teachers. The agreement was that Bert could have a new home as long as it was a good one, and she needed to provide proof. This video was created for that purpose.  

My husband and daughter put together the attached video. The costumes, settings and music were all designed and/or selected by her. This is just a very simple sample of some of the things we can do in our Home Video Studio business. And some of the fun you can have with your friends!

Humble Thanks

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of our country. We had the traditional cook out with too much food and then sparklers and small fireworks after dark. We did not brave the crowds to see the official fireworks show, but there were little "shows" all around us. My youngest daughter insisted that we find a flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance... which, of course, we did. I love how little kids haven't lost sight of the real meaning of holidays. 

On the way home we drove through Fort Bragg in Fayetteville. I wished there was a way I could personally thank each and every soldier who is giving part of themselves (and in some cases all...) to secure my freedom, to keep my homeland free and to carry on the tradition set hundreds of years ago. Since there is not, please accept this entry as my way of saying, "Thanks! Thanks for keeping our country free and secure. We are in your debt."

I also send out a note of appreciation to the families of those soldiers. You are paying a great price, as well. Thank YOU for your sacrifice.

Thank you for keeping the dream of a free America alive in our hearts as well as in fact...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"This is so going in my blog..."

I laugh so hard whenever I hear that comment on a television show. So, I decided that from time to time I would share some stories about funny, fun and touching moments from doing business. 

Today I choose touching... 

A customer told us that she has some VHS videos that were taken by her late husband. He was not only a proud papa but the master of the video camera. When these films were taken in the early 80's home video cameras were new and as the events recorded on the video progressed so did his taping and directing skills. He added lights, close ups and other "new" techniques. On the tape were Christmases, birthdays, a christening and just family fun. While the children were still young this loving father passed away but his voice and some rare video of him playing with his beloved sons were tucked "safely" away on the VHS tape. These charming little boys are now grown and were coming to visit their mother. She wanted to relive those moments with her children but when  she put the video in her tape player the machine ate her film!  We brought the tape in and transferred it to DVD (actually 2 DVDs) and restored it to the family. 

I love the fact that we can help here in the present to save and preserve precious memories of the past. 

Friday, June 27, 2008


I ran into my friend, Annette, the other day at a coffee shop. She also has her own business so I was peppering her with questions about what's new, etc. After she shared with me all the great new things in her line I asked how she was getting the word out. She told me in rich, glowing detail. The next question I asked, however, did not get such a positive response. When are you going out to tell those people about your ideas? "Well, I have a lot going on..." (And she really does!) I encouraged her to go get her calendar and make a few dates with herself! 

My favorite scientific law from high school was inertia: an object at rest stays at rest (and conversely one in motion stays in motion) unless acted upon by an outside force. And what a lovely way to describe me! In this particular case I happened to be the outside force, but more often I am the object at rest. I know this about myself so I have to put "outside forces" in place to get going. This week it was a mental pep talk... "Go ahead, stop the car and get out. Don't keep driving home in your nice air conditioned car..." Other times it's a true friend that does what I did for Annette. I also have an awesome support team in our business with people who constantly challenge and ask the right questions. 

Do you need an outside force to get you going? Find one! Make one! Recruit one! (or several...)

Oh, and in case you're wondering, no, I can't stop once I get going either...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Off and Running... well, walking

The first week with our new tricked out video studio did not go exactly as planned. Day 1 was a total upper with the phone ringing first thing. Day 2 was filled with marketing, leads groups and getting the word out. Day 3---STOP. My mom had surgery (she's doing fabulous, thanks for asking) and that took care of day 3. The week ended trying to play catch up in all areas of life... and not running but walking.

Things have gotten on a more even keel since then. We are tapping the internet in earnest and it is beginning to pay off. Another good tip: followup. It's a keeper.

Walking is ok, but we are stretching our muscles for the marathon. What's your dream? Grab it and run with us!